Minggu, 31 Desember 2017

Oef! Alleen uit Urine, kan voedsel geconsumeerd worden gevangen


Oef! Alleen uit Urine, kan voedsel geconsumeerd worden gevangen


Jakarta, een urinetest hiervoor wordt vaak gebruikt om te controleren van het gebruik van verdovende en gevaarlijke drugs. Maar anders dan dat de samenstelling van chemische stoffen in de urine door onderzoekers nu kan ook worden gebruikt om te achterhalen welke voedingsmiddelen worden verbruikt. De urinetest ontwikkeld door een gezamenlijk team van onderzoekers van het Imperial College London, Universiteit van Newcastle en Aberystwyth-universiteit. Het was gemeld in het tijdschrift Lancet Diabetes en endocrinologie wordt geschat in de komende twee jaar van testen kan worden gebruikt om te helpen de strijd tegen obesitas of diabetes type 2. Lees ook: allerlei interessante dingen over de urinetest voor de opsporing van NarkobaSalah één onderzoeker Dr. Isabel Garcia-Perez van Imperial College London de tests kunt u bij wijze van vermelding van de douane verklaart van het eten van iemand. Omdat vaak wanneer de patiënt rechtstreeks door een arts werd gevraagd zijn er gewoon dingen die verborgen zijn. De huidige tests zijn nog steeds niet in staat om ons te vertellen met zekerheid dat een persoon 15 verbruikt gisteren had een aardappel of twee stukken worst. Maar later op hem zullen er, Isabel zegt als aangehaald van de BBC, vrijdag (13/1/2017). In experimenten aan 19 mensen, ziet een bewezen test nauwkeurig gezond eetpatroon en ongezonde individu. Urine monsters in drie tijd d.w.z., ochtend, middag en nacht. Met deze test weet je als iemand een gezond dieet of niet volgt... Mensen voelen zich vaak moeite om zich open voor zowat elke levensmiddelen die zij thuis consumeren en dit is een groot probleem, zei andere onderzoekers Professor Gary Frost. Lees ook dit: 5 dingen die leiden een vals positief resultaat op een drugtest (fds/vit tot kunnen)

Kamis, 26 Oktober 2017

Burung pemangsa - Dubai

Burung pemangsa - Dubai

Pelajari dan pelajari diri Anda tentang burung pemangsa yang telah menjadi bagian integral dari lahan gurun di masa lalu. Burung-burung ini mendapat penghargaan tinggi dan kaya akan naluri berburu mereka. Burung pemangsa membantu dalam memperoleh wawasan tentang dunia makhluk megah di langit ini. Artikel berikut ini mengeksplorasi burung pemangsa ini dan daya tarik mereka oleh manusia.

Burung pemangsa telah menjadi bagian integral dari cara hidup dan budaya Dubai sebelum kemudian dikenal sebagai kota masa depan. Ini adalah sarana yang digunakan para syekh untuk melacak padang pasir mereka dan merupakan milik yang berharga. Burung-burung ini adalah pemburu yang terlatih, dan menukik pada mangsanya dengan tujuan dan ketepatan. Falconry adalah olahraga yang populer dan dipromosikan hari ini sampai saat ini. Dalam sejarah beberapa burung telah menurunkan rusa seberat sepuluh kali beratnya sendiri. Tapi dengan kemajuan reputasi Dubai sebagai kota masa depan, budaya Dubai yang kaya ini terancam tidak ada. Untuk mempromosikan kesadaran akan sejarah padang pasir ini, upaya dilakukan. Salah satu upaya tersebut adalah pertunjukan 'Birds of Prey'.

Penonton bisa melihat burung-burung ini dengan segala kemuliaan megah mereka, sealami mungkin habitat alami. Beberapa telah dikenal untuk menukarkan kepala para penonton; Burung-burung yang akan menghiasi kerumunan dengan kehadiran mereka adalah elang, elang, buzzard, burung pemakan bangkai, burung hantu dan elang yang cerdik dan waspada. Perasaan gairah berburu akan membuat adrenalin Anda melonjak dan membuat Anda terpaku pada tempat duduk Anda. Saksikan burung-burung ini menghiasi langit dengan kemudahan dan keanggunan abadi. Anda bahkan mungkin ingin merasakan bulu lembut keindahan kerajaan ini di telapak tangan Anda. Dan terlebih lagi, keinginanmu akan dikabulkan! Perhatikan 'Mo', elang Harris terbang untuk mendapatkan pahala, atas perintah tuannya. 'Julia', burung pemangsa mungkin memutuskan untuk menghibur Anda dengan triknya yang lucu. Tidak diragukan lagi, bintang pertunjukan tersebut adalah elang botak Amerika, yang mengelilingi tempat tersebut melihat dari atas istana yang berkumpul dengan udara yang waspada. Burung-burung ini adalah pemburu alami dan kebanyakan menggunakan kaki mereka untuk merobek mangsanya, bukan paruh mereka. Razor penglihatan tajam, paruh bengkok, cakar yang dipadatkan dengan kekuatan kaki melengkung membuat burung pemangsa ini predator yang ideal. Selain itu, burung-burung ini dapat digunakan untuk menakut-nakuti makhluk-makhluk lain yang tidak begitu royal dan eksotis dari keluarga burung. Fakta yang sedikit diketahui adalah bahwa falcons digunakan untuk menjaga 'Burj Al Arab' sekarang menjadi bangunan tanda tangan Dubai, bebas dari kotoran burung. Falcons mengelilingi bangunan itu untuk menakut-nakuti burung-burung itu. Gagasan yang cerdik, dengan sedikit pekerjaan yang dibutuhkan agar bangunan tetap bersih!

Jadi tunggu apa lagi, bukalah tempat dudukmu sekarang. Pertunjukan berlangsung di Al Khawanieej dan bisa berlangsung dari 45 menit sampai satu jam. Pertunjukan pagi spesial bisa diminta. Hiburan sekaligus tur edukasi merupakan bagian dari acara ini. Ini layak diperhatikan hanya untuk mempersenjatai diri dengan mengetahui bagaimana predator hebat ini, jika hanya untuk membuat teman dan keluarga Anda meninggal! Siapa tahu Anda mungkin terinspirasi untuk mengambil falconry sendiri. Anda bisa menuju acara keluarga termasuk anak-anak Anda. Burung-burung ini bertahan di habitat padang gurun yang keras dan tak kenal lelah dan terus bertahan di zaman sekarang dengan segala anugerah dan martabat nenek moyangnya.

Minggu, 17 September 2017

Passo dà il peso del corpo e così grandi ossa di diametro

mengecilkan perut buncit


Passo dà il peso del corpo e così grandi ossa di diametro


Jakarta, voglio sapere come dare il peso del corpo? Fuori è mio osso così piccola, come così grande diametro delle ossa? Faisal (maschio singolo, 17 anni vecchio.) icalXXXXX @ hotmail. comTinggi corpo di 178 cm, peso corporeo di 41 kgJawabanHalo Faisal, Whoa sembra improbabile che mustahal è così grande diametro ossa perché lo sviluppo delle ossa sono stati avviati fin dall'inizio nel grembo materno, nella genetica influenza e nutrito per gli sviluppi del tempo con cibo nutriente ed esercizio fisico. Quando pertumbuhanmu non è finito, quindi è bene che si consumano alimenti ad alti contenuto di proteine e di calcio. Si sforzano di avere su ogni pasto e snack. -Il latte e i suoi prodotti (crema completo va bene perché è necessario rendere il vostro grasso corporeo troppo) grano - soia prodotto fagioli-frutta a guscio (mandorle, nocciole, noci)-(kwaci, semi di sesamo) Leona Victoria Djajadi MNDMaster della nutrizione e dietetica (esperti di nutrizione) dalla Università di Sydney. Con un interesse speciale nel programma di dieta per oncologia, cardiologia, diabete, gastrointestinale e programma di modifica di vita diete. Famiglia caregivers di nutrizione clinica http://www. klinikgizi. informazioni /. Seguire twitter @Leona_victoria. (hrn/vit)


cara mengecilkan perut


Sabtu, 09 September 2017

By Having A Live Companion, You Can Live Healthier

dimana beli kopi hijau

By Having A Live Companion, You Can Live Healthier


Jakarta, not just this time a study says those who have married, reportedly has a better level of health than unmarried or a widow or widower already. The latest study also says so. People who marry have reported levels of the stress hormone cortisol or lower than that is not or not yet married. This is found researchers from Carnegie Mellon University, Pennsylvania, after analyzing the saliva samples collected from 572 healthy people aged 21-55 years for three days in a row. From this sample, researchers can know the levels of cortisol participants from day to day. Then researchers came to the conclusion that concludes a married participant have cortisol levels lower than those who have never been married or widowed or a widow. Although our observations in just a few days, but we make sure that the levels of hormonnya continues to grow day by day, said Brian Chin, PhD. Other indicators is the daily cortisol rhythm participant, cortisol levels usually where someone will culminate when get out of bed but then declined from time to time. In fact, those who marry the hormone showed decreased faster than other participants who have not or have never been married before. This is a good sign, because a decrease in cortisol quickly means a decrease in heart disease risk and age-long life expectancy among cancer patients. Read also: want to have a slender body? Easy, make your Spouse Always SenangPeneliti suspect, results of this study are actually just describes the condition of marriage in general or the majority of the course. A study published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology at the year 2010 calls, people who are married can also stress, which can then trigger a decrease in immune system function and also high blood pressure. Even in the study said the stress in the marriage could be a worse impact to health rather than stress due to work. Such as the Huffington Post reported. In addition, married people usually have access to better health due to the financial support of a partner. Furthermore it has a companion of life encourages a person to live more healthy such as quitting smoking, improving diet and sleep patterns, advanced Chin. Another study says quality has little to do with the levels of cortisol in the wedding a person's body. Because on the one hand, individuals who are married often faced social isolation or shunned friends. Those who are still not happy any singles due to stigma and discrimination because of their status. Both are proven can trigger stress. Read also: Happy or whether Related Couples Likely Longevity (lll/vit) jual kopi hijau


Sabtu, 02 September 2017

Panduan Memulai Dengan Menggunakan dan Menyimpan Minyak Atsiri

Panduan Memulai Dengan Menggunakan dan Menyimpan Minyak Atsiri

Panduan ini dimaksudkan untuk mengajarkan Anda hal-hal terpenting yang perlu Anda ketahui sebelum menggunakan minyak esensial dengan tepat. Jika Anda belum pernah menggunakannya sebelumnya, atau jika Anda hanya ingin menyegarkan ingatan Anda pada hal-hal mendasar, artikel ini untuk Anda.

 Aromaterapi adalah proses penggunaan minyak esensial, yang sangat kuat dan kuat, untuk mendapatkan manfaat tertentu. Aturan yang paling penting untuk diingat adalah selalu mencairkan minyak esensial sebelum menggunakannya pada kulit dengan minyak pembawa.

 Tips Membeli
 Pastikan hanya membeli minyak esensial yang datang dalam botol kaca yang berwarna seperti kuning atau biru kobalt. Jika mereka disimpan atau dikemas dalam plastik, mereka akan secara alami memecah plastik dan dengan cepat memburuk kualitasnya, membuat mereka kehilangan manfaatnya. Hanya minyak berkualitas tinggi di dalam botol kaca berwarna gelap yang memiliki kemampuan untuk memberi Anda keuntungan.

 Cara Mengencerkan & Menyimpan
 Saat mencampur sejumlah besar minyak encer untuk digunakan pada kulit, gunakan rasio 80 persen minyak pembawa dan 20 persen minyak esensial (misalnya, bungkus besar bisa jadi sepuluh sendok teh atau sepuluh sendok makan). Campur bersama dengan lembut dengan sendok perak di dalam toples gelas atau mangkuk. Kemudian, tuangkan ke dalam botol kaca amber untuk menyimpan (menyimpan dan menggunakan kembali botol kosong). Gunakan sendok perak dengan corong perak atau kaca untuk mendapatkan minyak yang diencerkan ke dalam botol yang lebih kecil dengan mudah. Jika Anda tidak memiliki botol kaca berwarna kuning untuk menyimpan minyak yang diencerkan, cukup gunakan toples gelas dengan tutupnya, seperti stoples mason. Kemudian, bungkus toples kaca di dalam handuk untuk melindungi dari cahaya.

 Selalu simpan minyak esensial di dalam wadah kaca di tempat yang sejuk dan gelap dari sinar matahari, lampu buatan, dan panas. Semua bentuk cahaya dan panas dengan cepat memburuknya minyak sehingga membuatnya tidak efektif.

 Isu Keselamatan
 Hal ini sangat penting untuk selalu mencairkan minyak esensial dengan minyak pembawa sebelum digunakan pada kulit. Minyak pembawa mencairkan intensitas minyak esensial. Contoh minyak pembawa yang baik termasuk zaitun, biji anggur, almond manis, dan jojoba. Satu-satunya pengecualian untuk aturan ini adalah untuk lavender yang dapat digunakan tanpa pengenceran selama tidak ada reaksi kulit yang terjadi (uji pada sepetak kecil kulit terlebih dahulu untuk sensitivitas). Tidak pernah menelan; Hanya menggunakan topikal dari mata dan jauh dari area kulit sensitif. Sebelum menggunakan minyak esensial pada anak di bawah 3 tahun, atau saat hamil, berkonsultasilah dengan aromatherapist profesional untuk mendapatkan informasi keselamatan tambahan.

 Untuk penggunaan sesekali, campurkan dua sampai lima tetes minyak esensial dengan beberapa minyak pembawa (sekitar setengah sampai satu sendok teh penuh) dalam mangkuk kaca sebelum menancapkan pada kulit. Mulailah dengan sedikit tetes dan tingkatkan hanya jika diperlukan. Mulailah dengan hanya satu tetes jika Anda baru mengenal aromaterapi dan / atau jika aroma sangat kuat. Biasanya, semakin kuat aroma, semakin sedikit yang perlu Anda gunakan untuk mendapatkan manfaatnya.

 Gosokkan minyak esensial yang diencerkan ke seluruh bagian bawah kaki, bagian belakang leher oleh batang otak, atau di atas area tubuh yang membutuhkan manfaatnya.

 Minyak Esensial Paling Umum
 Aromaterapi bisa menyenangkan dengan bereksperimen dengan aroma berbeda yang memberi berbagai manfaat. Yang paling umum untuk memulai adalah lavender, lemon, orange, melati, pohon teh, peppermint, dan kenanga kenanga. Baik lavender dan lemon bersifat adaptogenik yang berarti mereka memberi tubuh manfaat apa pun yang paling dibutuhkan termasuk energi atau santai. Lemon, jeruk, dan jeruk lainnya seringkali paling murah dan menawarkan manfaat yang menggembirakan. Jika Anda hanya memulai dengan satu minyak esensial, pilihan terbaik adalah lavender, dan ini juga bagus untuk digunakan pada anak-anak.

 Daftar berikut menjelaskan sifat masing-masing minyak.
 Lavender: antiseptik, anti bakteri, antidepresan, antiinflamasi, dekongestan, mengurangi kejang otot, deodoran, menyeimbangkan, menenangkan, menenangkan, santai, mengurangi kegelisahan, menghilangkan stres, mendorong tidur, membantu melepaskan ketegangan dan sakit kepala (memijat bait suci) , Bantuan pada sakit telinga, membantu kerontokan rambut, membantu pencernaan, mengusir serangga, dan banyak lagi.

 Lemon: antiviral, antiseptik, antibakteri, antihistamin, menggembirakan, menyegarkan, bersorak, dan bagus untuk membersihkan rumah. Pastikan untuk mencairkan dengan baik agar kulit tidak terbakar. Jangan gunakan lemon jika Anda berencana untuk berada di luar di bawah sinar matahari karena akan membuat kulit Anda lebih mudah terbakar.

 Orange: bersorak, menyegarkan, dan menggembirakan.

 Jasmine: menenangkan, menenangkan, sensual, romantis, meredakan depresi, membantu mengatasi masalah pernafasan, mengurangi ketegangan, mengurangi stres, dan banyak lagi.

 Pohon Teh: antibakteri, antijamur, antimikroba, antiviral, antiseptik, mengusir serangga, mendukung dan meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh, pemurnian, dan pengangkatan. Pohon teh juga bagus untuk membersihkan rumah.

 Peppermint: analgesik, antidepresan, antiinflamasi, antispasmodik, disinfektan, menyegarkan, memberi energi, mengurangi bau mulut (menambahkan beberapa tetes ke percikan air dan obat kumur sebagai obat kumur), mengusir serangga, mengurangi rasa mual, mengurangi dan mengurangi migrain, Meningkatkan, meningkatkan mood, mempertajam fokus, mengurangi gejala kemacetan, memperbaiki pencernaan, dan banyak lagi. Jangan gunakan pada anak di bawah usia 3. Jangan gunakan saat hamil. Jangan gunakan jika Anda atau seseorang di sekitar Anda terserang epilepsi karena aroma peppermint bisa memicu kejang.

 Ylang Ylang: afrodisiak, antidepresan, menenangkan kecemasan, mengurangi kejang otot, sensual, euforia, menenangkan sakit kepala, mengurangi mual, merangsang pertumbuhan rambut, mengobati rambut rontok, mengatasi masalah usus, dan banyak lagi.

 Jangan pernah lupa bahwa sangat penting untuk selalu mencairkan minyak esensial dengan minyak pembawa sebelum menggunakannya pada kulit Anda. Menemukan manfaat aromaterapi bisa menjadi petualangan yang menyenangkan yang memiliki potensi besar untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup Anda.

Jumat, 01 September 2017

Regularly Drinking plain water, body weight Latitude Successfully Down 10 Kg in 2 months

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Regularly Drinking plain water, body weight Latitude Successfully Down 10 Kg in 2 months

Sleman-Awalannya Latitude (23) has the desire to lose weight after the body feels uncomfortable with her Division. Yes, with a height of 151 cm body only, weighing the time i.e. 56 kg. In the end he also try wearing white water consume regularly. When generally he drinking water a lot after eating, so this opportunity he attempted to drink plain water first before eating. He was also familiarize yourself drinking plain water each new wake-up. Feels more appetite monitored after the regular drinking of white water, the current body weight down so successful Latitude 46 kg span two MTHS. only. The story is told at such latitude, detikHealth and written on Wednesday (8/4/2015): the time of my body weight 56 kg with a height of just 151 cm, no wonder the body also felt begah and tightness. Use any shirt rasa-rasanya not worth it. Stomach and thighs, so arm also looks great. Like to work out, rasa-rasanya weight once. In the end I try diligently to drink plain water. This routine I from the start to the morning wake-up time, to be exact. I did previously have nothing to drink one glass of water. Meal time is also so. I choose to drink water before eating at least two glasses. This applies at all times. Because by drinking water and ate, I feel that is a sense of satiety. Not the same as eating then drink a lot, would feel bloated. Most recently when I want to sleep constantly drinking 1-2 glasses of plain water. Exception satiety faster, drink a lot of water also makes bowel schedule I so smoothly. With no recognized, two MTHS. do this routine weight my body down up to 10 kg. I myself consider to be cut on the number 46 kg. Currently use whatever clothes I feel stylish and confident. Read also: Regular cardio exercises as well as Carbohydrate Diet managed to Trim 50 Kg Weights Steven! (ajg/vit)

Sabtu, 19 Agustus 2017

Want an example for his students So Teachers, This Lower body weight of 50 Kg



Want an example for his students So Teachers, This Lower body weight of 50 Kg


Tennessee, Laura Micetich Weights (25) never soared to 132 kg. This kind of thing, because a start since his teens, Laura constantly seeking comfort through food. However, her life is turning when he graduated. Since graduating from the Department of teacher education, Laura also will be expanding the number of teachers. However, his body the tambun disrupted his mind. The reason, Laura believes the time so teachers, the look that is the first thing as a concentration of the attention in the future. So the teacher meant so an example for children. I wanted a can so the example for my pupils later. Until, I think if it was time I change my body, said Laura as taken from the Daily Star. He recounts, each open the refrigerator or cupboards stock food at his residence, Laura would mencomot all the desired quick snacks. Is not limited to searching for security, Laura always fill the dining desires, even if he just had complete dietary consumption. No doubt, the weight of the body Laura too so add. Read also: count on Photo Selfie Time dieting, Weight Candace Managed Down 40 KgNah, along the lower body weight, Laura comes to rely weights workout that he was working on six days a week. Even though the awalannya assume the gym as a place, but a will so that may just be an example to the children of his disciples thought the legislature was potent. With the exception of exercise lifting weights almost daily, Laura also applied the clean eating. Not all of the food it consumes and Laura Plumb more selective in select food. One year of applying such a lifestyle, weight 50 kg down Laura's success where its body weight at this time so the 82 kg. Dear Laura, lose body weight also gained leaning comments from others. Often people suspect if surgery or taking pills that make diet does it weigh down. However, the woman who is uploading photo turn of dianya in this @theirongiantess instragram account to oppose that kind of thing. In fact I never thought would do the surgery, but I think it is very risky. Until I do a natural step to acquire the agency it is today. I also do not drink diet pills because I did a great effort for this achievement, firmly Laura currently works as a teacher. Read also: difficult to Lose body weight? It may just be due to the Genetic Aspects (rdn/vit)

Sabtu, 29 Juli 2017

Bagaimana Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Selain Olahraga

Bagaimana Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Selain Olahraga

Apakah Anda merasa ngeri jika mendengar kata "Diet"

Apakah Anda merasa ngeri jika mendengar kata "Diet"?
Yang cukup menarik, itu mungkin tidak ada kaitannya dengan Anda karena harus melakukan semacam perilaku makan aneh, yang dalam pikiran Anda, menyebalkan semua kesenangan di luar kehidupan.
Sebenarnya, Diet tidak banyak berhubungan dengan Nutrisi sama sekali!
Diet berkaitan dengan Kesadaran dan Sikap.
Mari saya jelaskan .....
Kanan dari kata pergi, saat Anda lahir, Anda telah dikondisikan untuk makan apa yang "ada di atas meja", dengan kata lain, untuk makan keluarga Anda, kelompok sosial dekat Anda, teman dan keluarga Anda makan.
Tidak hanya itu, Anda seperti bayi mungkin juga belajar - (terkondisi), bahwa saat Anda menangis, ibu Anda memberi Anda makanan.
Pada kesempatan lain, ketika Anda sedikit sakit, Anda mungkin telah "diberi hadiah" dengan sesuatu yang enak untuk dimakan, untuk membuat Anda merasa lebih baik.
Apakah ini kebiasaan Anda hari ini, untuk menghargai diri sendiri dengan makanan?
Jangan salah sangka, saya tidak menuduh siapapun, memang begitulah kebanyakan kita tumbuh dewasa.
Bagaimanapun, cepat atau lambat Anda akan tumbuh besar, mengumpulkan pengetahuan, otak mulai bekerja dengan baik, dengan logika, penalaran dan pelestarian diri, biasanya kita akan menyesuaikan cara makan yang bertanggung jawab dengan kesadaran, pengetahuan dan keseimbangan .... semoga.
Itulah intinya saat kita sadar, bahwa kita sudah melakukan diet.
Ya, kita semua sedang diet.
Ini bisa menjadi makanan yang baik, apapun itu, atau diet junk food, mungkin makanan ringan dan keripik.
Hal terpenting yang harus diperhatikan; >>>> "Kamu sudah makan Diet".
Apa pun yang Anda makan sekarang, untuk alasan apapun, itu Diet Anda.
Jika Anda menyadarinya, dan akui juga, Anda mungkin bersedia mengubah atau memperbaiki makanan Anda.
Tanyakan diri Anda, mengapa saya makan apa yang saya makan?
Apakah karena kewarganegaraan, tekanan kelompok teman sebayamu, iklan TV, apa yang keren, apa yang sehat, selera pengkondisian, kegilaan makan emosional :-) - atau ....
... apakah Anda benar-benar duduk dan berolahraga, mengapa Anda makan apa yang Anda makan?
Kita semua tahu apa yang baik dan buruk bagi kita ... Anda bisa menemukan pengetahuan dasar di mana-mana. Bukan rahasia lagi, makanan yang sarat dengan buatan semuanya, gemuk, terlalu banyak gula, garam dan jumlahnya tidak begitu bagus untuk kesehatan Anda.
Jika Anda makan banyak itu, mengapa Anda benar-benar memakannya?
Jangan menipu diri sendiri, bukan rasanya, Anda merasa nyaman dengan selera itu, dan tidak terlalu sulit untuk mengubah selera Anda, hanya membutuhkan waktu sekitar satu minggu.
Di sisi lain jika Anda pikir Anda tidak bisa hidup tanpa Anda .... keripik .. atau .... apa lagi .....
... tolong sadari ... "Kamu kecanduan", itu makanan olahan yang diproses olehmu ...
Siapa yang memegang kendali disini? Anda atau perusahaan makanan?
Semua ini dan banyak lagi, adalah alasan bahwa diet tidak ada hubungannya dengan nutrisi, itu semua adalah kesadaran dan sikap.
Jika Anda memiliki sikap menjaga diri, Anda akan mengenali fakta tersebut, dan mulai mengerjakan rezim asupan makanan yang lebih berkelanjutan.
Untuk menunjukkan pola makan dan sikap lebih jauh, berikut adalah contoh pusat perbelanjaan.
Saya berdiri dengan troli di belakang seorang pria dengan troli penuh botol dengan minuman ringan tertentu (saya tidak ingin menyebutkan nama merek) dan tumpukan karung keripik, dan banyak makanan olahan lainnya.
Dia melihat troli saya, yang memiliki beberapa item yang ditandai dengan "Organik", dan berkata bercanda .... jangan beli cr itu .... ini adalah rip off.
Dia mungkin benar, saya tidak dapat melihat mengapa produk organik seharusnya lebih mahal, tapi bagian yang lucunya adalah bahwa dia pasti mengira tidak mendapatkan ripped off dengan pilihan makanannya.
Ngomong-ngomong, lebih banyak makanan bergizi dan kurang merugikan tidak lebih mahal, harganya malah kurang.
Untuk kembali ke intinya, "Anda sudah melakukan diet".
Makna praktis apa yang dimiliki?
Tidak perlu bagi Anda untuk melakukan diet, Anda cukup mulai mengubah atau memperbaiki makanan Anda saat ini.
Perbedaannya adalah pada sikap tentang diet Anda, itu harus menjadi kurang mengancam dan mengernyit.
Tingkatkan satu langkah pada satu waktu. Berikut adalah beberapa tip sederhana tentang cara memulainya:
Masih minum minuman ringan? Itu harus mudah dipotong, dan tidak hanya akan menguntungkan sistem gula darah Anda tapi juga dompet Anda.
Minum air sebagai gantinya, atau lakukan dengan cara fashion lama yang baik, tambahkan beberapa jus lemon segar ke air Anda dan simpan di lemari es. Anda bisa menambahkan beberapa daun peppermint, dan jangan menambahkan gula, itu hanya membuat Anda lebih haus.
Menggunakan banyak makanan olahan dan olahan? Itulah langkah selanjutnya, mulai menikmati makanan segar.
Dasar "memotong atau mengurangi barang";
Gunting gula, gunting garam, gunting semua makanan dengan pewarna buatan, pengawet dan aditif,
Memotong atau mengurangi lemak jenuh (lemak hewani)
... dan yang terpenting menghargai hidup, jangan memangkasnya secara artifisial ....
Dieter Luske - Editor -

Rabu, 15 Maret 2017

Like Spicy Food? 3 Enjoy the Benefits When

Like Spicy Food? 3 Enjoy the Benefits When the chili Consumption

 Spicy food is often a frightening specter for some people. Start of spiciness, to abdominal pain without end. But, there are some facts that show the benefits when you eat chili, as released by mashed.com, Monday (13/02/2017).
Adding vitamins to tubuhBerbagai types of chili consumed in these types of raw or already in the form of sauces, storing vitamins and minerals. Starting from potassium, copper, and vitamins A, B-6, C, and K. The chili is also rich in antioxidants that can ward off many acute diseases, reduce the risk of cancer, and has been shown to improve vision.

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Relieves pain and tenderness Turns burning sensation is felt when the spicy food can eliminate the taste receptors on other parts. This is evidenced by research experts who tested the chili as a pain reliever after surgery, with a drop of chilli on their wounds. Apparently, the pain is much reduced compared to the way without the use of chili. It might sound horrible, but when last time eating chili, these benefits you can feel.
Helps you lose weight badanTernyata often eating spicy foods, it also increases the chance to lose weight. Because when eating a spicy meal, burning sensation felt in the mouth will give the body a chance to increase metabolism and reduce the desire to eat. This would result in eating less.


Selasa, 14 Maret 2017

Do Not Let Anxiety Run Your Life

Do Not Let Anxiety Run Your Life

Is the anxiety that has gone beyond normal worries? If so, you might have a medical concern that is causing your feelings, and you might want to see a medical professional about it. This article offers some solutions to better handle the pressures and anxieties of dealing with anxiety.

As you are getting ready for your day, you should take some time to tell yourself some positive affirmations. Talk about what your goals are.

Write in a diary. Some individuals have a stockpile of stressful thoughts in their mind and no way to release them. When everything can be "unloaded" into something like a journal or diary, it allows your brain to think about present events rather than past or future occurrences which trigger anxiety.

Try to keep moving throughout your day. If you are sitting at work, try doing exercises and constantly move around on your break. When you're at home, try remaining active, go for jogs and try to avoid sedentary pastimes. While you need rest and relaxation, too much of it triggers a cascade effect that can actually promote anxiety.

Make a habit of staying present in the moment. A bad habit for anxious people to get into is mulling over the past issues or obsessing about the future. Reduce anxiety by thinking about the present and suspending other thoughts.

Find someone you can talk to about your anxiety. Voicing your thoughts can help you minimize them. The best thing to do is to talk to someone who has already gone though this particular situation in which you can ask for advice.

Don't let yourself spend time with people that stress you out. For instance, if you have a friend who is always negative, you probably should avoid him or her as often as you can. These types of people are just end up stressing you out and cause your anxiety to be a lot worse.

Getting up and moving around, have a snack, a sip of water, or watching TV can be helpful. Keep yourself active and the anxiety will pass more quickly before bed.

Give yourself some time when you are feeling stressed and anxious. Too much hard work and not enough time to relax is a terrific recipe for building up stress and stress. Take some time out of each day to just read or watch TV.

Anyone who suffers from anxiety should exercise often. Exercise is a great way for you to get rid of your anxiety.

Name all of your anxiety triggers.This gives you to understand those triggers and take control over your anxiety.

Find a helpful support group in your area to join. People who struggle with anxiety often feel alone or misunderstood. Being around others who can relate to your problem might make you feel less alone.

Make sure you get the proper amount of rest every night if you're prone to anxiety attacks. Not getting enough sleep might make your anxious feelings that you are experiencing. Anxiety can also result in physical pain or discomfort if you to feel physically uncomfortable. You should shoot for getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night.

Consider both a natural and medical approach to anxiety issues. Your local physician can give you a definitive anxiety diagnosis and offer medications to help. Natural processes, like changes in diet, can be quite helpful as well. People who combine both treatment method often have the best results.

Anxiety is not necessarily a bad thing, but when stress gets overwhelming, it becomes more problematic.

Keep an eye on the types of what you eat. Do the best you can to make a positive change in your diet.

Try snacking on carbs that have seratonin, which helps fight anxiety. Don't do it; eat excess carbs only when you start to feel anxious. It does work for some folks.

It is possible that the symptoms of an anxiety attack you feel may be similar to a heart attack. The main distinction is the fact that anxiety attacks are fleeting, a heart attack does not. Don't try to ignore the symptoms and hope that could be a fatal error. If you think you could be having a heart attack, get immediate medical help.

You may not be able to set sail on a relaxing cruise, but surely you have one day off during the week. During your time off, move out of your everyday routine and try something relaxing, like camping, or hiking in nature.

You should also want to make sure you're nourishing your body to have the proper nutrients. When you're body is lacking nutrients, then you're resistant to anxiety. Eat nutritious foods and drink a lot of water.

It is important to think positive thoughts when you have anxiety. This means that while you may be experiencing negative emotions, your aim is to concentrate on good things. Smiling is a great and simple way to quickly improve your mood. Try to keep positive thoughts in your mind to take yourself from stressful things whenever possible.

If seeing a therapist is the only way you are going to feel better, do it. Speaking to a professional is a great way to decrease your anxiety.

If you're one of many people that experience anxiety on a daily basis, you may find that chatting with trusted friends or family members is useful. This provides you with the attention that you need, and it gives you an outlet for your frustrations.

Stress is the number one cause of anxiety.Stressed people typically let their feelings to build.This leads to having a situation in which you becoming overwhelmed and probably fearful of attempting anything.

Change any thoughts into positive thoughts. If you start to feel anxiety and your mind has a lot of negative things going on in it, re-program yourself to think positively instead of letting negative thoughts enter in continuously. Think happy thoughts about putting positive labels even on negative situations.

By now, you should realize that serious anxiety problems need effective treatments. Don't just ignore it or try to go it alone. Some patients suffer anxiety that can be relieved by discovering the root causes. With the information offered here, you can find ways to conquer your anxiety.

How To Breathe New Life Into Your Coffee

How To Breathe New Life Into Your Coffee

There is a lot of things to keep in mind when purchasing coffee. You could get lost if you are looking to purchase some coffee. This article will help you what you need to know to tailor your coffee choices to your unique tastes.

Stir the coffee in the pot immediately after brewing if you make your own. Stirring it briefly will enhance its flavor and smell. This allows you to get a richer coffee-tasting and that delightful coffee fragrance that everyone loves.

Are you serving coffee for guests? You can make it interesting by decorating your homemade lattes. You just need a little time to start achieving floral and heart designs that will leave your friends intrigued. Try variations of melted chocolate and milk and continue to practice each time you brew coffee.

Do not heat coffee after it has been previously brewed. It isn't harmful, but you will not enjoy your coffee as much. This will give the coffee taste bitter or stale taste.

Are you enjoying the coffee you make with the coffee made with your coffee maker? You can make some better coffee if you let your machine heat up by letting it run with just water. After you've heated the pot of water, make your coffee by adding grounds. This is also a good way to clean your coffee maker.

Try to purchase only coffee grounds that have been grown without pesticides. Coffee takes its flavor mostly from the soil in which it was grown. Organically grown coffee is going to naturally tastes better when you brew it.

Only store coffee in your refrigerator.If it isn't, the odors from the fridge will be absorbed into the coffee. Improper storage can also allow moisture to your coffee.

If you are after that perfect cup of coffee, a French press is a must. A French press makes a better brews by squeezing more oil from the beans and into your cup.

Make sure that you are adding the right amount of water. If you want weak coffee, the coffee will become too saturated.You should think about using two cups of water for each scoop of coffee grounds.

The taste of coffee is dependent of the beans were grown. You should experiment with various brands and blends instead of always buying the same coffee.

You do not have to stop consuming caffeine in one bold move. You can make "semi-coffee" through a brew that is ground with equal parts of regular beans and de-caf beans. If you're using pre-ground coffee, simply put both in the coffee maker.

Use some different flavors that you have around the house. Raw sugar and brown sugar lend distinctively different tastes than white sugar. Other flavor extracts that go well with coffee include cocoa, vanilla extract, cocoa and vanilla. Instead of plain whole milk, stir in flavored options like rice, almond and soy milks.

You can purchase different filters that will help make your faucet to filter tap water. You can also buy a coffee machine that has its own integrated filter. Another option is to purchase water that is charcoal filtered with charcoal.

Don't get stuck in a routine and buy the same coffee all the time. Try using different types each time you buy coffee.

Be careful that you do not drink coffee in moderation. Drinking an excessive amount of coffee can cause you to become dehydrated. Try to drink some water as you do coffee each day.

Take the coffee out of the coffee maker once it is done brewing.Leaving the coffee pot on a hot plate will ruin the flavor. Put the coffee into a thermos or other container so it will stay hot if you are not going to drink it all of it.

Don't drink coffee in the day. Coffee tastes great, which can keep you awake too long. Try not to consume any coffee after 3 p.m.

Freeze your leftover coffee in ice cube tray. These frozen coffee cubes can be added to iced coffee to keep the ice dissolves. They are also nice in cocktails or used to cool especially hot coffee.

This article told you what you need to consider when buying coffee. There are a lot of choices when it comes to this beverage, and you want to do what is right for you. Remember the tips you've read here as you buy your next gourmet batch.

Senin, 09 Januari 2017

The Body Of The ' Curved ' Due To Rheumatic Diseases Genetic

smart detox jakarta

The Body Of The ' Curved ' Due To Rheumatic Diseases Genetic

The disease is of its nature in the lower as well as the more attacking men than women, especially that of his combination. There has been no drug penyembuhnya, but the pain can be relieved with medication exterminator pain. Physiotherapists also need to Flex the stiffness of the body. There is nothing strange in a sense by the time Ricardo Love see her son hoby road raised.


He even consider it funny, other see little boy recently studied way. When moving a large, step over failed switch. Love also began to fret. It's been a bizarre routine also revamp the little calf bone, which also automatically change the arrangement of his hip. Even then, he also took away the pain of inflammation in the joints. She started limping, unable to roads, swollen wrist, and eventually must use a wheelchair, said the artist is currently a gymnastics business tekuni. Climax lasted the time my son sitting in 5th grade ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. The time, heard a knock, he was in pain due to vibration due to the tone of it, recalled Items.


At that time, it was only a conscious Love, something went wrong with his son that. It is also true, after being taken to a doctor, he was convicted of developing rheumatic diseases genetic or ankylosing spondylitis (AS). The doctor said, when not addressed, selekasnya in permanent disability concerned about can take place, said the Items in the senamnya studio. What exactly is a genetic arthritis? Diseases of inflammation attack critical spinal joints this is a disease that is scaled back as well as the bloody attack them leaning combination. â € œAyah I original Sunda, mother from Germany. My mother-in-law Netherlands combination as well as Padang, the father-in-law of the combination of Java and Switzerland. It may just be that aspects of the trigger, â € said Items. But a genetic aspect, except masihlah, there are aspects of the originator.


Without any aspect of talent as well as aspects of the originator, a will not be attacked. Unfortunately, this aspect of the originator is currently not yet in the know the trigger, said Dr. Harry Isbagio, SP. PD-KR, head of subsection of MEDICINE Rheumatology. The SYMPTOMS of rheumatic NYERIGejala genetic TASTE lasts first starts at age around the 20s, even there are many who are under 20 years old ... By the way, this disease would slowly evolve, to the public took place at a peak age 40-45th. .. Signs of the bottom line, low back pain side down. â € œKita should also think a bear the U.S. suffered when she males, because the disease strikes more men than in women, said Harry.


A comparison of male and female patients of approximately 8:1. â € œPenderita of the disease i.e. males age 20th environment young. that bear the suffering lumbago keep growing over three bln., â € said Harry. This pain is not like the pain due to accidents or other aspects, as a result of lifting weights weight avail. The signs can also appear before the age of 16 years old, is a juvenile ankylosing spondylitis. This can be encountered by the son of Love. Early signs shaped the pain generally will be added to chronic time patients get out of bed in the morning. So do a lot of motion, pain is shrinking. Some of this movement makes sense of stiff and aching in the waist shrink. Because, with the move, the waist or the other side of the pain might also. That often takes place, the pain in the waist counted as lumbago due to General accident, heavy weight lifting, or pinched nerves. Also, there's never been even patients who do surgery because a suspect that the pain due to pinched nerves.


The pain in the waist due to condition is entesopathy, which is inflammation of the ligament menempelnya place with a spine. Ligaments play a role of connecting two vertebrae. After the inflammation lasts long enough, would take place new bone formation, as well as two vertebrae can be fused. This unification of the road system is slow, as well as every th. the Union of the two would take place a repetition of vertebrae. â € œProses it goes from waist to neck. Beginning at age 20, as well as slow-in time, the time a patient aged 40s., sections would converge. A similar penyatuannya system of bamboo trees, â € Harry narrative. The fused vertebrae would cause the patient has difficulty moving her body.


Result, he so hard bend. When it has been bent, hard-enforced again. Or when a neck that was attacked, looking too so the job nearly impossible. For access to all body, must join in the move, â € said Harry. Also, even at the level of the patient's body weight, would bend like the signal read comma. The patient cannot sleep due to the curved body terlentang, as well as very had to sleep in the tilted position. Except the pain in the waist, rheumatism of the joints can also attack the genetic peripheral joints, i.e. the central capital at the human spine.


Peripheral joints are the knees, fingers, toes, elbows, too. This State invades the 20% of the total number of all patients. â € œThe often stricken with i.e. the ankles, knees, hips, and shoulders. Commonly patients complain of pain also in it, â € explained Harry. There are opportunities, pain at the waist as well as peripheral joints it also accompanied other diseases that attack the eyes, the skin, the channel cerna, as well as other variants. (Nova/Bestantia)