Selasa, 20 Desember 2016

More Effective Diet Low Salt or Carbohydrates?

green coffee pelangsing

More Effective Diet Low Salt or Carbohydrates?
           QUESTION: Doc, whether low-salt diet may be performed every person? I once low-salt diet for two weeks. Body weight was down 4 kg. But after that I did not proceed because it is not strong and no appetite. Why low-salt diet can lose weight? More effective where the carbo diet? We explanation dok.Aliya (23), Jakarta

Dear Aliya, thank you for asking. Salt (NaCl) is one of the elements that are needed by the body. Therefore, low-salt diet is not recommended to be done by everyone.
What is meant by low-salt diet (RG) is the restriction of the use of salt (sodium chloride / sodium chloride) and its derivatives (many in preserved foods such as sodium benzoate, etc.), usually given about 3-5 grams a day.
The usefulness of a low-salt diet to help reduce the pile of excess fluid in the body such as the legs, helps lower blood pressure in those who are sensitive to sodium, lowers the risk of heart and kidney disease.
low-salt diet can help you lose weight because: • The taste is fresh participated reduce appetite, so the overall food intake lessened.
• Excessive salt in food will also absorb the liquid so that the weight follow-up due fluids. By reducing the salt intake will certainly help to reduce the amount of fluid that tertahan.Dalam terms of weight loss (B) which is more effective doing RG diet or a low carb diet? In the latest research journals, low-carbohydrate diet is proven to significantly lower BB.
It should be remembered also that the carbohydrate remains the macro nutrients that our bodies need, especially the brain and red blood cells. Therefore, low-carbohydrate diets do not mean not eating food source of carbohydrate at all, because the body still requires at least 130 grams of carbohydrates a day.
Value of 130 grams of carbohydrates if translated in the form of rice about 325 gram.Demikian my explanation, may be useful.

Senin, 19 Desember 2016

13 Juta Bayi di Dunia Lahir Prematur

13 Juta Bayi di Dunia Lahir Prematur

Tiap-tiap th. diprediksikan 13 juta bayi lahir dengan cara prematur di semua dunia serta satu juta bayi wafat dunia karena itu. Sekian menurut laporan tubuh kesehatan dunia (WHO) bekerja sama juga dengan March of Dimes, instansi sosial dari Amerika Serikat yang mempunyai misi menghindar bayi lahir prematur serta cacat. Kelahiran bayi prematur ini paling banyak berlangsung di negara miskin serta berkembang, terlebih di Afrika serta Asia.


Jumlah paling tinggi ada di Afrika serta diikuti dengan Amerika Utara. Bayi dimaksud lahir prematur bila umur kehamilan ibu kurang dari 37 minggu, sedang kelahiran dikira normal bila umur kehamilan meraih 37-40 minggu. Bayi yang lahir prematur berisiko tinggi alami permasalahan kesehatan. Tetapi, sarana perawatan yang begitu komplit, seperti yang dipunyai rumah sakit di negara kaya, bakal jadi besar kesempatan bayi prematur untuk bertahan hidup. Bayi yang dilahirkan prematur umumnya memerlukan perawatan intensif maupun semi-intensif dirumah sakit.


Hal semacam ini lantaran system atau organ-organ badannya belum masak hingga bayi perlu pertolongan untuk tetaplah hidup. Sampai sekarang ini beberapa pakar belum tahu penyebabnya bayi lahir sebelumnya waktunya atau bagaimana menghindarnya. Terlebih dulu juga tak ada data yang akurat tentang jumlah kelahiran bayi prematur, pemicunya serta apa yang berlangsung pada bayi-bayi itu. Banyak yang yakin kelahiran prematur yaitu takdir, bahkan juga orang-tua dari keluarga berpendidikan.


Karena itu, mereka tidak lakukan apa-apa untuk menghindarnya, kata Dr Joy Lawn, dokter spesialis anak serta direktur Save the Children yang berbasiskan di Afrika Selatan.